MOM, SC Mission Statement

MOM, SC is a Christian Ministry Outreach.

Single Mom Mission Outreach (SMMO) is an outreach to provide hope, healing and encouragement for single moms and children from single parent homes.

MOM, SC believes that when we are connected together in faith we flourish.

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Saturday, August 25, 2012


"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."
Colossians 3:23
Ever wonder how you got here as a SP? Life is never what we quite expect or plan it to be. Not many of us start dreaming about being SPs at an early age, and very few of us think of it as the 'highest calling' (let's face it - there is also pretty convincing evidence all around us that it's not).
I never 'desired' to be a SP, because I knew the hard work that was involved (as much as I could without going through the experience firsthand). For much of my professional career I have worked with many SPs and their children. And, quite honestly, I would always sigh with relief and thank God I was not one of them. How exhausting! Parenting with two people was exhausting enough. I wondered how they managed...
There are the sleepless nights (which are grossly underestimated when contemplating whether or not to have children), the changing of dirty diapers (again, grossly underestimated) and the meeting of endless demands of "little people." Who could have possibly predicted these "little people" could have so many demands that are all apparently equally important! And, young children really are not open to learning lessons about prioritizing greatest needs first (nor are they interested in hearing mom's math lesson about one person outnumbered by two people making endless demands...). The point is, it's exhausting work!

But, God loves us and wants to do us good (another amazing gift - I'm so undeserving of that). He delights in doing us good (Jeremiah 32:40-41). Even when my feet have been in the fire, God has blessed me by showing me how to walk with Him. By doing such He has taught me that there is nothing man can do to me that God cannot redeem for good and that can trumph His ultimate goodness. The bigger the struggle, the more powerful God is. In it all, I gain a deeper relationship with Him (which is the 'longing for more' in each of us).

So, then I wonder what would God say to me in my leading role as a SP? Ever wonder what He might say to you about the "work" you're doing as a SP?
I wonder if God would start out by saying this IS in fact the 'highest calling!' I'm pretty sure He's aware how tough this is, that's why He never intended for us to do it alone. I wonder if He'd then follow it up with a big ole lesson on character building, which of course would include perseverance development! What other job in the world teaches the virtues of patience, sacrificial love, forgiveness and joy (and to the degree) than that of parenting our children?! We have a hand in molding the future. How can this NOT be the 'highest calling?!' When I think of it in this way, I understand what a gift and privilege I have been given to be a mother and a SP.
I am reminded daily just how much help I need to do this "work" effectively and efficiently (and, oh, how my three-year-old's tantrum of epic proportion "gently" reminds me when things have gone completely in the opposite direction of effective and efficient...see how our kids are always looking for ways to be ever so helpful!). And here's the thing about our loving God. When you ask Him for help, He will always provide it. He's promised to always be there and never forsake those who call upon Him. God takes care of all of His children. God knows you can do this (and do it well) when your eyes are on Him. He will provide the strength. 
When we commit everything we do (changing dirty diapers included) to the Lord we can experience joy and a grateful heart (Proverbs 16:3). When we see things with a Christ-centered focus, we learn to see that everything we do has the ability to be blessed by God. In that blessing there is joy!

There are difficult days. Oh, how there are difficult days, and days when it is hard to see the joy (aka sleeping battles with three-year-olds). But, remember, God can take anything and turn it into good (another amazing mystery of the Lord).
I'm learning that how I look at SPing makes a huge difference. When I think about how this is what God has called me to do, I approach my daily tasks differently. Instead of seeing SPing as never ending tasks, I see challenges to be conquered, relationships with my children to be fostered and I see opportunities to serve God through the love and service I give to my children. It's exhausting, but God gives me strength every day to do it and in this there is great joy. Never have I felt more privileged to be the mother to my children. God appointed me to be their mother, just as He's appointed you for your children. He doesn't expect me to do it all alone. He doesn't expect you to do it all alone either. Come to Him for rest (Matthew 11:28).  
Carry Me Jesus
When I am weak and unable to speak, carry me Jesus.  
When my spirit is low and I think I can no longer go, carry me Jesus.
When all I want to do is cry and know the answer why, carry me Jesus.
In you, Dearest Jesus...
I am made strong.
You give me the right words to speak.
You lift my spirit high and make it soar.
You push me to continue to go.
You catch my tears and calm my fears.
When you carry me Jesus.

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